Wednesday, October 8, 2008

questions 3&4 on page 27.

question # 3: discuss the characterization of Rainsford and General Zaroff. Which one is more fully characterized? Are both characters plausible.
Answer to #3: Rainsford is being hunted by General Zaroff and has been able to stay alive after making some traps for General Zaroff and his pack of hounds. General Zaroff has been hunting Rainsford and has been losing his dogs because he has been getting to cocky and has not been careful about where he lets his dogs run or how fast they are running.

question #4's answer: the author includes the speech because it hints that something will happen or might happen to one of them it also states that one of them has a week spot for killing Jaguars which could get any of them or even all of them killed if he waits to long.

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