Wednesday, October 8, 2008

page 386 Question 8 and 3,7 on page 391

question #3: At just about the middle of story( end of paragraph9 ), Eveline sums up her life in Dublin: "It was hard work- a hard life- but now that she was about to leave it she did not find it a wholly undesirable life." What about it makes it attractive to her.
Answer #3: what she says tells the reader about her and how she handles things in the story it also shows how she speaks and thinks considering that she picked those lines to say and nothing else.
question #7: Is Eveline a sympathetic or unsympathetic character? is she a victim of her character or of circumstances beyond her control? How do these issues contribute to the major theme?
Answer t#7: i think that Eveline is a sympathetic charecter and that she is a victim from her own moves. I also think that her actions contribute to the theme because the story is revolving around her and with each move she makes she changes the whole theme.
question #8: Analyze the boy's feeling as described in the story's last paragraph. Are his feelings Justified? How will he be changed as a result of his experience at the bazaar.
answer to #8: in the end the boy seems angry that he was treated in such a way. i think that his feelings are a little to strong considering that she was just doing her job and that he is a kid that was sent on an errand.

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