Wednesday, October 22, 2008

the lottery

1.) you would think of a lottery being some for money or maybe even a but in this story it is something else. It is when the whole town gets together and they pick a piece paper out of a box and who ever got that paper with the black dot on it is going to get stoned to death. The title of the story is a bit misleading because you think of someone winning some money or something but they end up dead.

8.)Yes you can help claim that this story is shown from an objective point of view because everybody in the story does not want to be in the lottery. It also mentions that some places had already stopped doing the lotteries and some people thought that it was nothing but trouble.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Paul' Story

2.) Paul's behavior and appearance is different from the other boys because in class he never paid attention and would stare and blank out in classes. He would also never do his homework and would disrupt the class. The teachers thought he was rude and disrespectful. He would also dress differently also dressed differently because he wore things like opal pins and flowers. And he was different because none of the other boys were like that and looked down upon him.

3.) Paul is a developing character because he is always changing and creating a new life. He changes a little when he goes to New York City, and then he is broke and this helps changes his life by moving away which causes him to realizing that was not the best place for him to live.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hills like white elephants

questions 2&7

2:what is indicated about the past life of the man and the girl?how?
:A2:what is indicated is that they both have lived happy lives and that but it also states that she is on a drug called absinthe which is really bad and can make your life miserable.

7:what purpose does the setting give: the setting gives us a positive feeling and a happy one.

Everday use page 108-116 question #4

question #4: Does the mother's refusal to let Dee have the quilts indicate a permanent or temporary change of charecter? Why has she never done anything like it before? Why does she do it now? what detail of the story prepare for and foreshadow that refusal.

answer #4: i think that it indicates a permanent change in charecter, i think this because after she does that all of the characters have a change in the way they talk. The reason she has never done anything like this before is that she has never seen her daughter since she went to colleage and when she was there she thought that quilts were out of style and were disgusting. When she comes back she merley wants the quilt to make her house look better.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

questions 3&4 on page 27.

question # 3: discuss the characterization of Rainsford and General Zaroff. Which one is more fully characterized? Are both characters plausible.
Answer to #3: Rainsford is being hunted by General Zaroff and has been able to stay alive after making some traps for General Zaroff and his pack of hounds. General Zaroff has been hunting Rainsford and has been losing his dogs because he has been getting to cocky and has not been careful about where he lets his dogs run or how fast they are running.

question #4's answer: the author includes the speech because it hints that something will happen or might happen to one of them it also states that one of them has a week spot for killing Jaguars which could get any of them or even all of them killed if he waits to long.

page 386 Question 8 and 3,7 on page 391

question #3: At just about the middle of story( end of paragraph9 ), Eveline sums up her life in Dublin: "It was hard work- a hard life- but now that she was about to leave it she did not find it a wholly undesirable life." What about it makes it attractive to her.
Answer #3: what she says tells the reader about her and how she handles things in the story it also shows how she speaks and thinks considering that she picked those lines to say and nothing else.
question #7: Is Eveline a sympathetic or unsympathetic character? is she a victim of her character or of circumstances beyond her control? How do these issues contribute to the major theme?
Answer t#7: i think that Eveline is a sympathetic charecter and that she is a victim from her own moves. I also think that her actions contribute to the theme because the story is revolving around her and with each move she makes she changes the whole theme.
question #8: Analyze the boy's feeling as described in the story's last paragraph. Are his feelings Justified? How will he be changed as a result of his experience at the bazaar.
answer to #8: in the end the boy seems angry that he was treated in such a way. i think that his feelings are a little to strong considering that she was just doing her job and that he is a kid that was sent on an errand.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

HW Hunter in the snow

Out of the three characters in "Hunter In The Snow" i think that Frank is the most sympathetic . Tub can tell Frank what he has done in his life, and Frank will not criticize him.

The purpose of Frank & Tub stopping at the diner is to help ease there mind after shooting there best friend "Kenny"

This is an appropiate conclusion to teh story because it keeps the reader thinking about what will happen